Sonntag, 7. September 2025
11:00 BIS 17:00 UHR
Locations are featured on a map (print or online), colored balloons highlight the yard sales. Clean out your cellars! Make precious finds! Get rare glimpses in courtyards and gardens and meet your neighbours!
Private Flohmis
Spezielle Angebote
Community Yard Sale at the Hardstrasse 43, near the Pförtnerhaus
- Register: on the registration form, check the box "Anmeldung für Gemeinschafts-Flohmi an der Hardstrasse 43, beim Pförtnerhaus"
- Registration for residents only
- only if there is no possibility for yard sale at the place of residence, e.g. because of building site, no space, etc.
- Bring your own utensils for the stand and take everything back with you after the sale. There is no disposal possibility available.
- How to get there: Transport of material by bike and public transport is preferred, as there are no parking spaces available. A short unloading of the car is possible between 09:30 and 10:30 and pick up from 17:00.
- No fees will be charged.
- No serving of drinks or food!